VAT and SCT Refund Services Value Added Tax, or, as it is also known, VAT, is regulated by articles 11, 13 and 14 of the relevant law. it is the preparation of a VAT report and the processing of refunds after making inspections for VAT paid on goods and services within the scope of the exception expressed in the articles and within the scope of the VAT exception. Similarly, VAT Law 9. refunds arising from services that are subject to partial withholding in accordance with article 19/2. returns made in accordance with international agreements in accordance with Article 29/2. returns arising from deliveries with a discounted rate in accordance with the article are refunded by editing the YMM report. SCT Law 5. it has been decided that export deliveries are an exception to excise duty when the goods contained in the article and in the lists attached to this law are delivered to a taxpayer abroad and the goods delivered outside the Customs Zone of the Republic of Turkey. The excise tax shown by the purchase invoice and other documents of the exported goods is returned to the exporter. Yukar