General Assembly Consultancy The General assembly consultancy takes into account the necessary procedures in order to produce solutions related to the ordinary general meetings of the companies in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code. Within this framework, it is necessary to make the necessary arrangements in order to ensure that the work of the general assembly, which must be held 1 time in 3 months, can be carried out in accordance with the rules within the framework of the Law. In the context of general assembly consultation, it is acted in order to ensure that the expectations are sustainable in the maximum sense while producing solutions by taking into account the processes needed. With our expert staff, we provide the best support to companies within the framework of general assembly meetings and annual activity reports. In this way, we evaluate the process in order to prevent any negative events that may occur. General Assembly Consulting Services We take into account professionalism when creating solutions related to the general assembly processes of companies. We support you with the following solutions while meeting your demands in the best way. General